Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Recruiting the CRE-Revolution Tribe

I'm recruiting a tribe to change the face of the commercial real estate industry. Here are the requirements:
  1. A desire to see fundamental change brought to the industry.
  2. Help reviewing and editing the manuscript for the book to be published by Wiley publishing this August.
  3. Securing an endorsement from your senior management for the book. That endorsement will be included in the book and with the marketing material.
  4. Spreading the blog and any information related to the revolution to your peers and friendly clients. 
  5. I would like you to attempt to put your comments on the chalkboard for our project management site. At the very least be able to access the site and download the chapters for review.  I will set up the site and give you a simple Login and Password.
  6. Begin collecting a list of potential tribe members so we can continue to build a buzz of interest.
This is why I need your help.
  1. My deadline for the manuscript is January 15. There are a lot of facts and details so I need help fact checking. Along with that I am including cost ranges and want to make sure anything we provide is defendable.
  2. I need stories to illustrate some of the points. 
  3. I need quick turn-around. If I send something out I need it reviewed and commented on within a week. If you don't have anything to offer I need an email that let's me know that this is not a chapter you can help with but will eagerly help on another.
  4. I will send out a request for a fact, information or a reference from time-to-time.
  5. I need you to spread the word to other early adopters who would enjoy following and becoming part of the wave.
Here is what you get:
  1. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the book. If you provide a specific quote or a story your name will be cited on that page. If you provide support proofing the chapters you will be cited on our shout to the tribe pages.
  2. If we receive a blurb from one of your senior management you will receive a free copy of the book.
  3. I am checking with the publisher if they will let me provide a free copy of the book to all who contribute. 
  4. You and your company will be able to pre-order copies of the book at 50% off. The retail price will be $39.95.
  5. You will also receive an exclusive "out takes" document that includes quotes and sections we did not have room to include.
To sign up I simply need you to respond by email and say; "I'm in."  

Once you sign up you will receive the book proposal and the the introduction with instructions for what I am looking for.
Chapter one should follow this weekend.

This is history making. There has never been a collaborative effort like this within our industry that will be published by a major publisher. It moves us all a little closer to tackling industry challenges using "crowdsourcing."

Welcome to the CRE-Tribe!

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