Sunday, July 13, 2008

Have you given your millennial a trophy for showing up today?

This incredible generation is the most intelligent, tech savvy, confident generation to walk the planet. They want to succeed, they think they already are successful (special) - however, most are clueless about the world of work, the old school mentality that they will confront or how to make a positive contribution.

On the flip side companies are clueless to the talent rich reservoir millennial's represent, how to build an on-ramp for them into corporate life or how to motivate and develop them.

One - key - this generation is hungry for mentoring and personal attention. 50% come from divorced families, 75% come from 2 income families, 30% of these kids were born out of wed-lock. This relational component will be the super-glue for corporate HR strategies going forward. With one caution - millennial's do not trust adults.

Without a long-term strategy, patience and the willingness to see the first batch or two roll their eyes at this "obvious attempt to buy their loyalty" they will bolt. Once they see the strategy is embedded or is adopted as a core value then they will turn around as well.

This six minute video provides a great overview of your next corporate challenge!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny, the same thing that makes these folks difficult to manage (I come first) will also make them have challenges when they are managers.

As someone born 13 months early of the window that defines this generation, I think I can at least relate. I also had this "me first, I'm always right" attitude until I made my own mistakes - it's called maturing and I'm not done. I think that the "panic" some companies are taking is a bit overboard.

One observation of mine is that the challenging of the status quo that people find so "annoying" is starting to generate positive change in conservation, philanthropy, and quality of life.

We do need to show up to work on time, though.