Monday, March 24, 2008

Are you on Facebook yet?

If you are not on Facebook, LinkIn or used Plaxo, take a moment and watch this video. This 60 Minutes clip introduces you to Mark Zuckerberg (23), founder of Facebook, and provides insight to both the enormous potential and dangers of these social networks. Everyone I know who is on one of these networks is still trying to figure out how it all works and where the value lays. I can tell you that I've been able to get in contact with some key decision makers that I would never have had access to. I've also been able to relocate and conveniently stay in touch with several old friends and colleagues that I would otherwise have lost contact with.

If you have another moment read this article in a recent Fortune Magazine. While Mark was being interviewed at the recent South by Southwest Conference in Austin the focus shifted from the stage to the conversation the audience was having (online) about what was happening on stage. Consider that shift - for just a moment. In the past owning the microphone or the platform signaled control. That is no longer true - a metaphor for how leadership must now factor its constituency (and competition) in new ways.

The Mindshift Innovation Blog aims to provoke leaders involved in the building industry with new ideas and insights so that our organizations and industries can catch up to the rest of the 21st Century.

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