Thursday, April 3, 2008

Howard Rheingold - TED Conference

Howard Rheingold wrote the the book Smart Mobs (Mobile communication, pervasive computing, wireless networks, collective action). He was invited to TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) to describe what he sees is a major shift in the way social groups are beginning to and will organize; from competition (kill or be killed) to cooperation.

Why does this matter to mindshift? The current culture of the built-environment holds dearly to the old world of competition and inherent mistrust. New technologies, however, are proving that sharing and openness can actually offer an advantage and produce better results.

Mindshift has developed an idea of what this new approach might look like if used to develop, design and deliver a building. Our next step is to find an early adopter or an owner so fed up with conventional construction that they are willing to experiment on the potential of a trust-based high tech approach.

We will keep you posted. In the meantime take a moment to listen to Howard Rheingold.

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