Thursday, December 4, 2008

Generation We - the Millennials

Today 6% of the workforce is made up of Millennials (@1980-2000).

By 2018 - it will be 43% - the largest block.

Boomers will drop from 50% to 24%.

GenX will drop for 38% to 33%.

In the next five years 60% of current CEO will be retired.

If you didn't notice the ground shift on November 4th - you were asleep.

By 2016 Millennials will be the largest voting block. They won't stay home for this next election - in fact they are getting ready NOW. They have good reason too - and - they think they can make a difference.

Is your company or organization ready? If you haven't already begun to introduce these kids into your leadership circles - you may be too late to get their attention.

At the recent CoreNet Global Summit we learned that Boeing has begun to design new facilities for the Jr. High kids that will be filling them when these buildings come on line in the next ten years.

Watch the video. If you are worried about these "slackers" who show no respect and want weekends and an occasional Tuesday off - don't be.

Generation WE: The Movement Begins... from Generation We on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Rex, this hits the nail right on the head.

Larry Kelso said...


Thanks for posting this fascinating video. As one who is firmly entrenched in the Baby Boom Generation, I am both intrigued and somewhat encouraged by this presentation. My skepticism makes me question the WISDOM of the WE Generation, but I can't deny their passion.

How appropriate that you encourage us to consider the impact of this shift as we help clients design and occupy the facilities of the future.

Anonymous said...

Absolutley Incredible! This is a visual representation of as christians, where our efforts at ministry should be.Jesus always placed an emphasis on children for a reason. If we are going to be the church of Christ, we need to show His love,His compassion,His understanding, His pre-eminence to a generation that has received a tainted version of the Real Thing....through media manipulation,mockery and parody - and of course COMMERCIALISM - Our Savior has been reduced to a subject of ridicule in this pop culture. Incredible video!....spoke straight to my heart as a minister to "go forth -the harvest is ripe!"......robert

Anonymous said...

Thanks - certainly interesting - I passed it directly on to a few friends and posted a Facebook link

Anonymous said...

Fascinating and exhilerating! My question is not the wisdom of this generation because theirs is founded in the realities they have inherited. My question is, however, who will earn their ears and win their hearts and loyalties? Who will help shape their worldview and what then will be the outcomes? How will their righteous indignations and rebellions be manifest and what disciplines will they apply to form the movement they will drive? I am both concerned and convicted to step into the dialogue and make whatever impact I can.

Mistress of the Dorkness said...

To someone who squeezes into this demographic (born in 1980), I am seeing a lot of contrast between some of the older, traditional folks that I work with, and the younger, passionate people making headway in my industry.

My older son (now 6) could be entering the workforce in another 10 years, and although my views and experiences are different than those of my current peers, I wonder how his will differ from them and me? (He currently wants to work in Robotics, we'll see if he sticks to it ;-p)

I'm just doing what some of I've seen my older 'mentors' doing, which is staying connected... meeting new people of all ages and experience levels and really *listening* to what they're saying and considering their perspective. I think that's a good start.

JOHN O'LEARY said...

Thanks for this. Gives me pause as I consider who my audience is!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, brilliant phrase and is duly