Monday, September 1, 2008

Green Mythbusting

One of our founding members commented that using "turnkey" teams and integrated project delivery is where Sustainability and Green were three or four years ago.

The 4 minute mile for LEED Certification, so to speak, has been to deliver Platinum level at a comparable cost to conventional construction.

Our team returned a few weeks ago from our summer summit and met with a developer who did just that. In fact, they delivered a LEED Platinum building close to 200,000 square feet at cost 3% less than comparable conventional Class A space. The operating costs are also 45% less than neighboring buildings. Oh yes - they have a fully leased building that is 21% higher than other buildings in that market.

They did so using a tightly aligned team and taking a turnkey approach. If you would like to find out more about the project send me an email.

Mindshift has adopted a "Do-Tank" strategy. We validating the mindshift model with live projects before we present with a clear roadmap to our colleagues and peers.

We want our industry to be able to sit in front of corporate decision makers with a new value proposition. This IBM ad captures the shift we would like to see.

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