Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Send a note home to mom praising your Millennial!

You may think, I'm kidding. Try it.

I've been knee deep studying millennials, or as I prefer - digital natives, for 15 years. What you are about to view in this Part 2 video are some of the strategies companies pursue to connect.

Why is it such a big deal? Why should any company feel it should "lower" itself to coddle these kids?

Here is a demographic that scares the bejebbers out of executives. As boomers begin to move to retirement (many well healed enough to leave early) there are 20 million fewer bodies to take their place. That's right - 20 million or 25% fewer. The oldest boomers turn 62 this year - eligible for early retirement.

What you will see in this video displays a lot of the idiocy companies are buying into because they haven't done their homework and what to do something. They are reaching out to motivational "experts" to the tune of $50 billion a year, my price just went up.

The secret is still wrapped in the relational strategy I referred to in the last blog. Trust me, its a whole lot cheaper, lasting and more rewarding to follow the relational route. If you want to get a crash course on the difference between the Print generation (builders), the Broadcast generation (boomers) and this Digital generation (millennials) - here is an article I wrote for Futurist Magazine called The Digital Dynamic.

If you want to check the universe of motivation tools and gimmicks check out: The Motivation Show. It is in Chicago in September.

Here is video #2

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