Sunday, June 1, 2008


According to Everett Roger's diffusion theory a new idea or innovation goes through several phases of adoption:
  1. Innovators - the risk takers who seldom see the fruit of their labor.
  2. Early Adopters - those who connect the dots, develop the prototypes and find enough success to tell others. They become the Opinion Leaders.
  3. Early Majority - those who want to see the business case, the ROI or have strong ties with Early Adopters they trust. This group creates the standards that lead to broad adoption.
  4. Late Majority - the Skeptics who find safety in numbers but typically wait too long to derive any competitive advantage.
  5. Laggards - yup - that's exactly what they are. This group doesn't care if the next innovation cures cancer or brings about world peace. They will stick to those good ole "tired and true" ways.
mindshift is a consortium of early adopter companies developing a prototype for a trust-based integrated approach to design and construction. We are connecting the dots from other innovators in an effort to find a new Social Technology that will provide a far more effective and lower cost model.

1 comment:

gonefishin said...

I was just having a discussion about the entertainment business yesterday. Some one was commenting about VHS becoming obsolete, then some one else chimed in about DVDs being obsolete in their current state with the introduction of "blue-ray", and I let them know I see them all being obsolete compared with a personal storage device that can hold an entire collection of movies. If you can't get past the way things used to be, you're likely to become lost in the future.